Unique courses and dialogic journeys on the pioneering edge of mutual education and contribution.

Up next:

Freeform Short Course

A four week process with one two hour small group Freeform dialogue per week, guided by Tim Adalin.

Short course Freeform sessions are guided encounters for the praxis of transformative dialogue exemplified on the Voicecraft podcast and in Voicecraft Network sessions. This is an invitation to cultivate your capacity to participate in grounded, generative, and enriching philosophical exchange in the spirit of improv music.

These sessions are subtle in structure, and therefore call participants into keen discernment in their contribution to the flow of the whole-making.

There is a 6 person limit in the session including the guide.

Base cost is $200 USD.

Register your interest below to receive contact when the course is ready to take applications to participate.

Offerings on hiatus:

Transformative Philosophy

An opportunity to develop artfulness in philosophical contemplation, transformative dialogue, and the onwards journey of response to the call of soul: know thyself.

Dialogic Guides

A course for members of the Voicecraft Network, designed to cultivate capacity to guide transformative dialogue.

Artificial Intelligence, Power & Wisdom

A forthcoming course seeking to widen access to profound mutual learning about our emerging relationship with technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Web 3.

How you will learn

Seminars & emergent dialogues delivered live, and recorded for anytime access

Transformative conversations and workshops with peers and guides

Participation in small group fellowships and ephemeral groups


  • Global timezones across the EU, the Americas, and Oceania will be supported. But there’s a chance not all live lectures and workshops will take place at a time that is typically convenient for your timezone.

    All lectures, workshops, contributor dialogues, Q&As, and other materials will be recorded and made available for any time access.

  • These courses are online, though may include the opportunity for local meetups where possible.

  • The Voicecraft Network is a private social network of friends and peers that invites authentic communication and transformative dialogue about what matters.

    Topics vary widely, and span themes including cultural transformation and self understanding. Many of these sessions are recorded and shared privately with the network. In this way the network participates in and contributes to the creation of valuable learning contexts and material for its members to engage with, from which ongoing threads of participation emerge. Sometimes sessions are recorded to be shared with the broader commons via the Voicecraft podcast, and in this way the network is developing capacity to interact with the emerging inter-network field of wiser living and future-making.

    A core theme that many members appreciate is the shared emphasis on thinking and feeling, intellect and intuition, heart and mind.