Voicecraft.network is a port in the storm of culture. Participating here will cultivate your capacity to think, feel and speak with depth and authenticity, while developing artfulness in communication and philosophy. Learn more about and find out how to apply to join the network here.
Voicecraft Network sessions are online events, hosted on Zoom. Most events are held privately for members of the Voicecraft Network and invited guests. A select few are shared publicly, including Elder Circle and Freeform Sessions.
Only a small handful of member only events are posted here to give a sense of activity. Many more are shared inside the Voicecraft Nework platform. -
Voicecraft.Network is a global community with members spanning many continents. Voicecraft Live or Underground Philosophy events currently take place in Melbourne, Australia.
You can do so here.
A small selection of upcoming and past events are shared below to give an indication on the themes explores in titled network sessions. These exclude Earth, Freeform, Alchemising Consciousness and other sessions.

Cultural Shamanism Expedition | Psychedelics & Spirituality
Of those who have experienced psychedelics, few would say they didn't leave a lasting impression. The intention of this session is to explore how these experiences have shaped us personally, how we relate to psychedelics now, and the highest potential we see for their role in modern culture.

Live Podcast Recording | The Masculine & The Feminine
This live podcast recording follows the previous two VC podcasts with Adriana Forte, Aspasia Karageorge Tom Lyons and Pamela von Sabljar, shared below. It welcomes Simon van der Els, Adriana Forte and Pamela von Sabljar in dialogue with Tim Adalin.

Network Session | Origins of a Healer II
There are many members of the network who live the role of healer in some form. This session invites several of those members together for a personal and critical exploration into the meaning of ‘healer’ in the style of Voicecraft Freeform.

Humans, Tech, Nature | On the Possibility of Right Relationship with AI
This is a Freeform session in response to the conditions of possibility which shape our relation to technology in general and AI in particular, with intention to support consideration of questions pertaining to 'right relationship' with AI.
Can we enter 'right relationship with AI?' and if so, what would that look like?
Related questions involve considering: what is the meaning of intelligence, how can we distinguish 'artificial' from 'natural' intelligence, and what conditions the possibility for 'relations' as such to be 'right'?

Culture Lab | Civilisation & Barbarity
Culture lab invites a context for deepening understanding of critical, higher attention events, influences, and dynamics in culture space and the world stage more generally. In recent years we have dialogued on wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. In this dialogue, the invitation is to a critical inquiry into the relation between civilisation and barbarity, the stories we come to know these notions through, the cognitive dissonance so pervasive in relation, and a confrontation with the challenge of discernment and the hard line of judgment.

Live Podcast Recording | How Change Happens: Grammatics
This Voicecraft Network live podcast recording welcomes Eric Harris-Braun to explore his thinking around the notion of grammatics. Eric co-founded Holochain, Holo & the MetaCurrency project, each of which focusses on a different layer of technical infrastructure for embodying a new economy.

Freeform Session | Currents of Systems Innovation
Freeform sessions are stages for transformative dialogue, with open invitations to show up and jam.
Like the style of Freeform known in Jazz music, these sessions will be loose on structure, but in so doing, ask of participants keen discernment in contribution to the flow of the whole. Thus these sessions are excellent opportunities for the deep practice of artful, generative interaction, as speakers and listeners.

Culture Lab | The US Election, Networks & The Future
Culture lab invites a context for deepening understanding of critical, higher attention events, influences, and dynamics in culture space and the world stage more generally.

Cultural Shamanism Expedition | Testimony, Martyrdom, Confession
Following recent conversations privately in the network and on the podcast with O.G. Rose, this session invites an exploration on the three concepts Daniel put forward at the end of E114: 'testimony' 'confession' and 'martyrdom'.

Freeform Session | Origins of a Healer
There are many members of the network who live the role of healer in some form. This session invites several of those members together for a personal and critical exploration into the meaning of ‘healer’ in the style of Voicecraft Freeform. Freeform sessions are stages for transformative dialogue.

Live Podcast Recording | Techno-Social Currency
This Voicecraft Network live podcast recording welcomes Ferananda Ibarra, Michel Bauwens and members of the Voicecraft Network for a dialogue orbiting themes of Commons, Big History, and the potential of new forms of currency and social organisation in the digital age.

Live Podcast Recording | Matt Segall & O.G. Rose
This Voicecraft Network live podcast recording welcomes O.G. Rose and Matt Segall for a continuation of the Value & Civilisation series.

Culture Lab | Real Violence - Israel, Palestine, Justice, and Justification
Culture lab invites a context for deepening understanding of critical, higher attention events, influences, and dynamics in culture space and the world stage more generally.

AGI, Existential Risk & Communication | Live Podcast Recording w/ Forrest Landry & The Voicecraft Network
This session forms part of the broader Voicecraft.Network expedition on the relationship between humanity, technology and nature.
This session invites a live podcast recording with Forrest Landry, and follows the preceding expedition session titled “AGI, Substrate Needs Convergence, Empathy & Communication”.

Hyperhumanism & Transhumanism | Live Podcast Recording w/ Cadell Last & Carl Hayden Smith
This Voicecraft Network live podcast recording welcomes Cadell Last and Carl Hayden Smith in dialogue with Tim Adalin. The session will focus on what’s at stake in the meanings of hyperhumanism and transhumanism, in consideration of the relationship between humanity, technology and nature.

Culture Lab | Sam Harris
Culture lab invites a context for deepening understanding of critical, higher attention events, influences, and dynamics in culture space and the world stage more generally.
This session invites a recorded dialogue in relation with the cultural, philosophical, and attentional significance of Sam Harris, one of the most well known public intellectuals of at least the last 15 years.

Freeform Session | Endogenous Psychedelics, Vision, Magic & Indigenous Knowing
Hosted by Tim Adalin, this Freeform session invites an exploration of the philosophy and phenomenology of interior knowing and orientation.
It will pick up from some threads discussed in the recent Matias De Stefano & Aubrey Marcus podcast, which sought critical relation with notions of higher intelligence, intuition, gnosis, psi-type abilities, prophecy, scientific epistemology, and various spiritual traditions across east and west.

Live Podcast Recording | Crypto, Commons & Paradigms
This Voicecraft Network live podcast recording welcomes O.G. Rose, Michel Bauwens and others (tbd) for an experimental session orbiting the notions of crypto and commons.

Live Podcast Recording | Integral Theory & Metamodernism
This Voicecraft Network live podcast recording welcomes Brendan Graham Dempsey and Bruce Alderman, who are well known and highly respected for their knowledge and contributions to the Metamodern and Integral discourses, respectively.

Live Podcast Recording | Value & Civilisation
This Voicecraft Network live podcast recording welcomes philosopher and master craftsman Forrest Landry, civilisation researcher and theorist Michel Bauwens, and philosophers O.G. Rose (Daniel Garner) and Tim Adalin.

Elder Circle | welcomes Bruce Alderman
Elder Circle is a Voicecraft Network session in which an invited group gather to dialogue with a guest. Bruce Alderman is a deep and comprehensive integral thinker, one part of the Integral Stage YouTube channel, and affiliate faculty at John F. Kennedy University in the Consciousness and Transformative Studies and Holistic Counseling Psychology departments.

Freeform Session | Artificial Intelligence Expedition (Part 3)
This session will further develop threads explored across the AI and Telos expeditions. Central to our inquiry will be the question: in what ways do art and AI relate with telos?
For newer members, Freeform sessions are a great opportunity to discover and cultivate your capacity to participate in and contribute to the quality of group dialogic process. These sessions are mutual learning contexts, and while they are not 101 contexts, they are inclusive, and support learning through participation and orientation with more experienced participation in the field.

Freeform Session | Artificial Intelligence Expedition (Part 1)
This session initiates the Artificial Intelligence Expedition, which is open for all members to join and participate.
This first session will invite an opening of resonant threads, interests, questions, and feelings members have about the topic. We will work with what comes through, in the usual style.
For newer members, Freeform sessions are a great opportunity to discover and cultivate your capacity to participate in and contribute to the quality of group dialogic process. These sessions are mutual learning contexts, and while they are not 101 contexts, they are inclusive, and support learning through participation and orientation with more experienced participation in the field.

Freeform Session | Telos & Building
Is there a telos inherent in the nature of construction? How might technology and AI afford contemplation of these questions? What is the human superorganism building? What ought we build?
The topic for this session is Telos & Building, which follows dialogue in the previous Freeform sessions, 'Telos & Trauma', and 'Telos & Archetype'.

Open Session | Transformative Philosophy
This is an episode produced by the Voicecraft Network: an Open Session welcoming the writers O.G. Rose in the form of Daniel and Michelle Garner, along with several Voicecraft contributors including Adriana Forte & Tyler Hollett.

Elder Circle | welcomes Laurel Airica
Laurel Airica has a unique creative genius for word magic. Her work invites a coming to awareness about the mysteries, marvels, and potencies of language.
Voicecraft events help people
Cultivate insight & understanding
Experience embodied philosophy
Learn & contribute in community
Have meaningful conversations
Build real relationships
Develop presence and voice