E107| Beyond Left / Right: Politics, Freedom & Systemic Influence | VC Network Freeform Session

Welcoming members of the Voicecraft Network Cadell Last, Valeria Ferreira, Simon van der Els, Jurnee Manu & Tim Adalin for a Freeform session incorporating themes of politics, systemic transition, freedom, ecology and authority.


  • The following shownotes are AI generated to give a rough sense of topics covered and to aid with search discovery.


    left-right, political divide, nation-state, global governance, modernity, ecological perspectives, metaphysical differences, Eastern philosophy, Western philosophy, culture, art, emergence, technology, environment, sense of self, Christianity, Taoism, state, family, community, social order, capital, growth, accumulation, increase, commons, pantheon, values, digital communication

    TIMESTAMPS (not AI gen)

    00:00 - Introduction

    00:30 - Cadell Last on the Left / Right Divide & the limits of the Nation-State + Christian revival

    08:30 - Swarm Intelligence in the context of Ecology & Capitalism

    14:50 - Politics, Culture & Niche Construction

    15:30 - Hegel's conception of an ethical system of governance

    20:00 - Introducing the notion of organism in thinking new forms of global governance

    25:37 - Deepening notions of regulation and authority, in the context of scale and multiple levels of participation in complexity

    28:30 - Art & Beauty, and the Esoteric / Exoteric in relation to cultural transformation

    30:30 - East / West / Daoism / Christianity

    34:39 - Bringing back in the biological metaphor

    42:00 - Radicalising the notion of emergence in the context of technology

    46:04 - Exploring the Difference Between Christianity and Taoism

    55:38 - Reconnecting with the Spirit of Indigeneity in the Context of Big History

    59:41 - Oligarchs & Inter-Elite conflict

    01:13:20 - The Limits of Understanding & Going Beyond Capital

    01:22:11 - Reviving Different Fields of Value

    SYNOPSIS (AI Generated)

    The conversation explores the relevance of the left-right political divide in the modern world and the limitations of the nation-state in addressing global issues. It delves into the need for a new form of global governance that incorporates both modernity and ecological perspectives. The discussion also touches on the metaphysical differences between Eastern and Western philosophies and the role of culture and art in shaping politics and normativity. The concept of emergence is examined, highlighting the emergence of technology and its impact on our environment and sense of self. The conversation explores the difference between Christianity and Taoism, the role of the state in relation to family and community, and the potential for a new social order. It delves into the history of capital and the need to go beyond its dominance in society. The concept of growth is discussed, with a distinction made between accumulation and the increase in the quality of connection. The importance of the commons and the revival of a pantheon of values is also explored. The conversation ends with a reflection on the power of digital communication.

  • Cadell Last

    Cadell Last is a philosopher and founder of Philosophy Portal, with an interdisciplinary background in fields of evolutionary anthropology, psychoanalysis, complexity science, and big history. He has spent much of his life searching for the truth of being through questions about the difference between humans and nature, and the consequences of human difference for nature. His PhD thesis, Global Brain Singularity, places biocultural evolution, mind-matter relation, and speculative futures in discussion, which produces insight that he then enhances through his expertise on thinkers like Hegel, Freud, Žižek, and Zupančič.

    Access Philosophy Portal here: https://philosophyportal.online/

    Simon van der Els

    Simon van der Els is a student of the invisible realm. He holds a PhD title in the empirical tradition of molecular microbiology. He also explores the subjective realm of shamanism, as a way of re-discovering the interiority of the living cosmos, and assisting in healing of Gaia. He enjoys time in nature, dance and other sensory embodied experiences. Dialogue is one of the practices in which he can encounter flowstate, and this is one of his favorite activities.

    Connect with Simon @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/simon-van-der-els-66434b231/

    Tim Adalin

    Tim is the founder of VC and a philosopher with a focus on the relation between participation and transformation. This focus has found form in relation to questions of metaphysics (what is, what knowing is, and what is the nature of, and our involvement with, the process of valuation).

    You can contact Tim @ https://www.timadalin.xyz

    Valeria Ferreira

    Jurnee Manu

  • Voicecraft conversations expand how the world is known across themes of psyche, culture and nature.

    The Voicecraft Project is comprised of a media & events platform, academy, and participatory membership network.

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