E86| War & Unity | VC Network Session w/ Aspasia KG, High Root, O.G. Rose, Cam Duffy & Tim Adalin

This dialogue is offered in peace, with respect, in search of new beginnings and deeper understanding. It is part of a series of Voicecraft conversations (online and in-person) seeking deeper relation with the existential and philosophical realities of war in our present time, and throughout history.

Voicecraft Network dialogues create time for conversations that transcend the ordinary. This was recorded as a Culture Lab session with members of the Voicecraft Network in participation.


  • O.G. Rose

    O.G. Rose is a pen name consisting of Michelle’s maiden, middle, and their shared last name. While at the University of Virginia, Rose spent several years working collaboratively with other artists at Eunoia, a creative community Rose helped develop in Charlottesville, Virginia. Rose now lives on a farm, manages a wedding venue named Mead Lake, operates Frozen Glory Photography, and teaches piano using visuals from Rose’s Pattern Method.

    You can find O.G. Rose’s website at https://www.ogrose.com

    Cam Duffy

    Cam has been involved in counselling practices for 8-10 years and specialises in complexity associated with trauma, substance use, integrative health, shamanic experiences, and the process of change. Cam is highly focused on the psychointegrative, embodied philosophical, and relational/symbolic elements of transformational experiences and the human journey.

    You can connect with Cam @ https://www.capsychointegration.health/

    Tim Adalin

    Tim is the founder of Voicecraft and a philosopher with a focus on the relation between participation and transformation. This focus has found form in relation to questions of metaphysics (what is, what knowing is, and what is the nature of, and our involvement with, the process of valuation). He has a particular interest in supporting Voicecraft to nurture contexts for artful communication.

    You can connect with Tim individually @ https://www.timadalin.xyz

    High Root (Zach Fishman)

    Zach is an arborist, thinker and musician who has become a valued contributor in the Voicecraft Network.

    Aspasia KG

    Aspasia is a clinical psychologist and qualitative researcher in Australia who has likewise become a core contributor to the Voicecraft Network. You can connect with Aspasia @ aspasiapsychology.com

  • Voicecraft conversations expand how the world is known across themes of psyche, culture and nature.

    The Voicecraft Project is comprised of a media & events platform, academy, and participatory membership network.

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You can learn about the Voicecraft Network here. If scheduled, below you’ll find a selection of online & in-person events which explore similar themes to the Voicecraft podcast, in the same spirit of participation.

More from the Voicecraft Podcast


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