E101| Artificial Intelligence, Existential Risk, & Meaningful Response, w/ Forrest Landry & the Voicecraft Network

An effort toward critical and generative relation with Forrest Landry’s thinking on the topic of Artificial Intelligence, existential risk, and the possibilities for meaningful response. This was recorded for the Voicecraft Network's Humanity, Technology & Nature expedition, following a previous session engaging with Forrest’s Substrate Needs Convergence argument.


  • 00:00 - Introduction

    02:30 - Forrest Explains The Substrate Needs Convergence Argument

    26:00 - The Need for Intuition, Instinct and Intellect To Inform Conscious Choice-Making

    36:22 - Can There Be Empathy Between Machine Intelligence & Human Intelligence

    49:46 - Intimacy, Intensity, The Mystical, And The Need For Spiritual Process

    1:17:14 - Intention, Implication & Intensity

    1:24:47 - Questions & Clarifying The Substrate Argument

    1:40:10 - What Next?


    humanity, technology, nature, substrate needs convergence argument, conscious choice-making, existential risk, balance, risks, over reliance, ethics, empathy, common needs, substrate, limitations, technological age, machine intelligence, human intelligence, empathy, intuition, cooperative decision-making, negotiation, mystical, transcendent force, exponential growth, rationality, spirituality, community support, technology, choice, attunement, intuition, care, comfort, kindness, intellectual, mystical

  • Forrest Landry is a philosopher, writer, researcher, scientist, engineer, craftsman, and teacher focused on metaphysics and the thriving of all forms of life on this planet. He has particular insight into social architecture, choice & sensemaking, sustainability, complicated & complex systems, ethics & governance, existential risk, collective intelligence, and more.

  • Kyle Lawrence

    Kyle is a software architect who loves nature, dialogue, and writing poems. He's currently working on a project to help enliven the Spirit of online communities.

    In his spare time, Kyle enjoys writing. While traveling in Peru, he began capturing transformative insights in the form of short stories. You can read about his adventures here:


    Tyler Hollett

    Tyler is a father of two, and researcher of whatever seems necessary to support the healthy formation of communities, online and offline. He has been instrumental in the development of several discord communities with members in the tens of thousands. You can contact Tyler @ themetagora@gmail.com

    Jurnee Manu

    Jurnee is a valued contributor to the Voicecraft Network & session guide for live events.

    Tom Lyons

    Tom Lyons is a valued contributor to the Voicecraft Network and regularly hosts Earth and Synthesis sessions. He is a fellow explorer with a love for relation and creation.

    Zachary Fishman

    Zach is an arborist, thinker and musician who has become a valued contributor in the Voicecraft Network.

    Josh Field

    Josh Field is a co-found and cheif architect for XR Engine. You can connect with Josh at https://x.com/HexaField.

    Tim Adalin

    Tim Adalin is a philosopher with a focus on the relation between participation and transformation. This focus has found form in relation to questions of metaphysics (what is, what knowing is, and what is the nature of, and our involvement with, the process of valuation).

    You can contact Tim @ https://www.timadalin.xyz

  • Voicecraft conversations expand how the world is known across themes of psyche, culture and nature.

    The Voicecraft Project is comprised of a media & events platform, academy, and participatory membership network.

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You can learn about the Voicecraft Network here. If scheduled, below you’ll find a selection of online & in-person events which explore similar themes to the Voicecraft podcast, in the same spirit of participation.

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