E73 | Novelty & Lineage, w/ Cadell Last & Tim Adalin

Cadell Last returns to the podcast for a dialogue exploring the tensions between novelty and lineage. This gives rise to conversation across themes of religion and spirituality, reason and knowing.

  • Exploring the relations between novelty and lineage, religion and spirituality, reason, spirit, and knowing — a philosophical dialogue with Cadell Last and Tim Adalin.

    A good battle with words on my part here. I hope the whole is useful!

  • Cadell Last is a general thinker interested in questions about human existence and evolution. He is author of Global Brain Singularity, which focuses on the nature of temporality and the future of consciousness; and Sex, Masculinity, God, which focuses on the consequences of libidinal energy, gender identity and theological mysteries for our knowledge constructs. The tension between sex and love, as well as death and immortality, drives much of his current philosophical work, which is deeply informed by dialectics and psychoanalysis.

    Philosophy Portal: https://philosophyportal.online/

    Find Cadell’s YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCtCqYQFPhnU1OnHPveEnYw

  • Tim is the producer of Voicecraft. He is a philosopher whose work focuses on the relation between participation and transformation, and integrates metaphysical and scientific modes of understanding. The primary medium of this work lives in embodied relationality with friends, family, and peers. He is concerned with the vital connections between psyche, culture, and nature, and is developing networks and communities that support wiser contexts for education, contribution, and belonging.

  • Voicecraft conversations expand how the world is known.

    We create media that seeks to add value to the commons, with interests in the fundamental dynamics of psyche, culture, and nature.

    Voicecraft is comprised of a media & events platform, academy, and participatory membership network: cultivating culture in participation with open hearts and dedicated minds.



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