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E122| Transcendent Design w/ Forrest Landry, Eric Harris-Braun, O.G. Rose & Tom Lyons
Continuing Voicecraft’s private and public exploration of the deep philosophy of technology and design, in consideration of the needs of vitality and life. For those with serious interest in thinking through the creation of structures that support thriving—and who want to incorporate more than just thinking in that process.
Welcoming Eric Harris-Braun, pioneering co-founder of Holochain and other software technologies, alongside Forrest Landry, philosopher and master craftsman. They’re joined by Voicecraft members Tom Lyons in the opening position, and the philosopher Daniel Garner of O.G. Rose.

E120| Grammatics: How Change Happens w/ Eric Harris-Braun, Josh Field & Tim Adalin
What makes change possible? How does the way we think about communication.. influence the technologies.. which influence our social horizons?
Welcoming the pioneering thinker behind the concept of ‘Grammatics’, co-founder of Holochain Eric Harris-Braun, alongside Tim Adalin and founder of the Infinite Reality Engine, Josh Field.

E113| Wiser Innovation & Collective Intelligence | Michael Garfield in dialogue with Tim Adalin
Welcoming paleontologist-futurist Michael Garfield for a dialogue working with themes of wiser innovation, collective intelligence, network philosophy, and the complexity of thinking across across silos of specialist disciplines and cultural logics in the face of evolution, exponential technology and existential risk.

E111| Shadow Work For A Wiser Web w/ Michel Bauwens, Ferananda Ibarra, Josh Field & Tim Adalin
Is there hope for the internet and decentralised communications technology? This dialogue explores the existential context, shadow, and potential associated with emerging network coordination technologies, with civilisation theorist and political economist Michel Bauwens, regenerative entrepreneur and collective intelligence practitioner Ferananda Ibarra, and technology design philosopher and Infinite Reality Engine co-founder Josh Field.

E98| Core Philosophy for the Digital Age | Alexander Bard in dialogue with Tim Adalin
An exploration of what it means practically and metaphysically to participate in our evolving digital age, defined by the Swedish philosopher Alexander Bard as the paradigm of attentionalism.

E96| Transhumanism & Hyperhumanism | Cadell Last, Carl Hayden Smith & Tim Adalin
An exploration of humanity's relation to technology, evolution, and perennialism, through the lens of transhumanism and hyperhumanism. Welcoming philosopher Cadell Last and hyperhuman theorist Carl Hayden Smith in dialogue with Tim Adalin.

E94| Crypto & The Commons w/ Michel Bauwens, O.G. Rose, Tim Adalin & the Voicecraft Network
Is there legitimacy to the promise of crypto in the context of socio-economic exchange? Where are we in political economic history? How do psychology, narrative and metaphysics influence the integrity of communications technology and its mediation of exchange?
Welcoming civilisational and commons theorist Michel Bauwens and philosopher O.G. Rose, in dialogue with Tim Adalin and members of the Voicecraft Network.

E93| Beyond DMTx, Conscience & Hyperhumanism | Carl Hayden Smith in dialogue with Tim Adalin
Exploring the frontiers of consciousness research and the human experience of meaning and technology. Welcoming Carl Hayden Smith: associate Professor of Media in the School of Arts & Creative Industries at UEL, DMTx participant & developer of Hyperhumanism.

E56| Metaphysics & Power in the Digital Age, w/ Forrest Landry & Alexander Bard
Recorded in February 2021, this dialogue with Forrest Landry and Alexander Bard is a fascinating refraction between highly developed philosophies, with variance in background and style, and shared interest in existential risk and cultural transformation in relation to technology.