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E116| Story, Risk, and Trust w/ Dr. Marc Gafni & Tim Adalin
Why do we value stories, and how do stories transmit value? Marc Gafni joins Tim Adalin for a dialogue on the philosophy of story, risk, and trust in the context of personal and cultural transformation. Dr. Marc Gafni is a visionary thinker and social activist, holding a doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University, as well as Orthodox rabbinic ordination.

E110| God/s, Difference, Choice w/ Jordan Hall, Forrest Landry, Joey S. Robinson II & Tim Adalin
A dialogue that relates with notions of God, choice, difference, intuition, belonging, confession, and more, with Jordan Hall, Forrest Landry and Joey S. Robinson II.

E102| Evolving Perennialism & True Authority w/ Zak Stein & Tim Adalin
Relating to the tensions and paradoxes associated with change (evolution) and the eternal (perennial) in the context of lineage traditions, value, membranes, and the future of spirituality and religion. Welcoming the educator, futurist and philosopher Zak Stein.

E99| Civilisation, Science & Spirituality | Dave Snowden in dialogue with Tim Adalin
An exploration of human decision making and transformative social process in the context of evolution, emergence, complexity, religion, and more. Welcoming the creator of the Cynefin Framework and iconoclastic generalist thinker Dave Snowden in dialogue with Tim Adalin.

E82| The Meaning of Eldership w/ Bruce Alderman and the Voicecraft Network
A journey into the meaning, role, and crisis of eldership in our time, grounded in a life's journey of spiritual seeking and realisation, with Bruce Alderman & the Voicecraft Network.

E81| A Bishop, Zen Roshi, Sufi & Philosopher visit Voicecraft Live
The next Voicecraft Live welcomes an evening of interfaith exchange with guests across different religious and spiritual contexts, interwoven with community participation. Our invited guests for the evening are Bishop Lindsay Urwin, Vicar of Christ Church Brunswick, Kirk Fisher Roshi, a teacher of the Diamond Sangha Zen lineage, and Sieta Beckwith, student in the Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiyya Order of Sufism.

E80| The Meta-Shamanic, w/ Layman Pascal & Tim Adalin
An exploration of meta-shamanism in a time between worlds, with host of the Integral Stage podcast, general thinker and spiritual practitioner Layman Pascal, and philosopher Tim Adalin.

E79| Dreams & Psyche in the Age of Technology | Voicecraft Live V
This dialogue between Jungian dream researcher and clinical psychologist Fiona Henrich and philosopher Tim Adalin explores themes of symbol, healing, prophecy, morphic resonance, science, technology and the refuge of the dreaming psyche in the age of technology. Filmed with live community participation on June 9 2023 in Melbourne Australia.

E78| Spirituality & Religion in Australian Festival Culture | Esoteric Festival
Exploring the relation between religion and spirituality in the context of transformation and Australian festival culture. This episode welcomes the unique being that is Heath Myers, who identifies as a Starseed activator and channeler, in dialogue with philosopher Tim Adalin.

E49| Exodus From The Old Empire, w/ Alexander Bard & Andrew Sweeny
Alexander Bard is a philosopher and founder of the Syntheist religious movement. Andrew Sweeny is a writer and musician with interests in mysticism and inner transformation. Together we explore the paradigmatic shifts in our time, grounded in what Alexander, along with co-author Jan Söderqvist, refers to as exodology, the dynamics of exodus.