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E108| Re-thinking Economics & The Meaning of Value w/ Matt Segall & O.G. Rose
Matthew Segall is a transdisciplinary researcher, writer, teacher, and philosopher applying process-relational thought across the natural and social sciences, as well as to the study of consciousness. O.G. Rose is a writer, philosopher, and author of Belonging Again: An Address, which explores the conditions of possibility for the realisation of ‘a sense of freedom and beauty among Global Pluralism without retreating or proving naïve.’ This was recorded as a live podcast recording for the Voicecraft Network.

E94| Crypto & The Commons w/ Michel Bauwens, O.G. Rose, Tim Adalin & the Voicecraft Network
Is there legitimacy to the promise of crypto in the context of socio-economic exchange? Where are we in political economic history? How do psychology, narrative and metaphysics influence the integrity of communications technology and its mediation of exchange?
Welcoming civilisational and commons theorist Michel Bauwens and philosopher O.G. Rose, in dialogue with Tim Adalin and members of the Voicecraft Network.

E85| Power, Transaction & Care (Value & Civilisation II) w/ Forrest Landry, Michel Bauwens, O.G. Rose
The follow up dialogue to E84| Value & Civilisation, unfolding the relations between valuation and civilisation in our present epoch. Welcoming again the philosopher and master craftsman Forrest Landry, civilisation researcher and theorist Michel Bauwens, and philosophers O.G. Rose (Daniel Garner) and Tim Adalin.

E84| Value & Civilisation w/ Forrest Landry, Michel Bauwens, O.G. Rose
Untangling the roots of value, with critical insight relevant to economics, politics, and ongoing response to the metacrisis. Featuring philosopher and master craftsman Forrest Landry, civilisation researcher and theorist Michel Bauwens, and philosophers O.G. Rose (Daniel Garner) and Tim Adalin. Part of the Commons Series.

E77| Nate Hagens on Energy Blindness, Climate & the Future of Growth (Commons Series III)
A dialogue on humanity’s deep relation with energy in the context of fossil fuels, growth, climate, and meaning in life, with energy expert Nate Hagens.

E74| The Imperative Of Beauty: Commons, Attunement & Community w/ Forrest Landry & Tim Adalin (Commons Series II)
On the meaning and significance of the Commons with the philosopher and master craftsman, Forrest Landry. This is the second in the Voicecraft series on the Commons.

E71 | The Commons Series: Toward a Higher Logic of Markets & the State, w/ Michel Bauwens & Tim Adalin
Many people sense that the structures of modern society aren’t up to the task of carrying forward a viable, non-dystopic global civilization. But how can we begin to think about alternatives?
Michel Bauwens is a theorist of civilizational transition, exploring a higher logic of societal structure that seeks to incorporate the positive functions of markets and states, without vesting the future in traditional systems like capitalism or communism.