E91| Radical Communication | VC Network Reflects w/ Elder Les Spencer, O.G. Rose, Aspasia KG, High Root & Tom Lyons

This dialogue features members of the Voicecraft Network for a session to reflect and build on recent themes and threads explored at Voicecraft.

Why do people experience blocks in the process of connecting to themselves and others? How do we cultivate contexts and skills that support healthier modes of relating to difference? What does it mean to relate with, through and beyond tragedy?

Voicecraft Network dialogues create time for conversations that transcend the ordinary. This was recorded as a Culture Lab session with members of the Voicecraft Network in participation.


  • Dr Les Spencer

    Les is a post-doctoral action researcher, international conference speaker, writing on inter-connecting between natural life world, social life world and global futures. Action research bridges biomimicry, links between geo-emotional, land topography; and social topography; and people sciences including forensic science, psychosocial disaster response (UN consulting), harm minimizing, community psychiatry, neuro-psychobiology, risk-sharing, consulting to global governance, peace studies, relational mediating and reconciliation ceremonies in post-conflict contexts; hermeneutics and futures studies, behavioural science, clinical sociology.

    https://www.laceweb.org.au/ - “A vast library of wellness resources.”

    O.G. Rose

    O.G. Rose is a pen name consisting of Michelle’s maiden, middle, and their shared last name. While at the University of Virginia, Rose spent several years working collaboratively with other artists at Eunoia, a creative community Rose helped develop in Charlottesville, Virginia. Rose now lives on a farm, manages a wedding venue named Mead Lake, operates Frozen Glory Photography, and teaches piano using visuals from Rose’s Pattern Method.

    You can find O.G. Rose’s website at https://www.ogrose.com

    High Root (Zach Fishman)

    Zach is an arborist, thinker and musician who has become a valued contributor in the Voicecraft Network.

    Aspasia KG

    Aspasia is a clinical psychologist and qualitative researcher in Australia who has likewise become a core contributor to the Voicecraft Network. You can connect with Aspasia @ aspasiapsychology.com

    This session was hosted by Tom Lyons, a valued member of the Voicecraft Network.

  • Voicecraft conversations expand how the world is known across themes of psyche, culture and nature.

    The Voicecraft Project is comprised of a media & events platform, academy, and participatory membership network.

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You can learn about the Voicecraft Network here. If scheduled, below you’ll find a selection of online & in-person events which explore similar themes to the Voicecraft podcast, in the same spirit of participation.

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