E92| The Dark Matter of Hope, Technology & Institutional Design | Indy Johar in dialogue with Tim Adalin

Exploring themes of care and control in the context of technology, hope, and institutional design, in relation to the psychology of transformation. Welcoming Indy Johar: an architect, maker, visionary thinker and Mission Steward of Dark Matter Labs.


  • Indy Johar is an architect, visionary thinker and Mission Steward of Dark Matter Labs.

    “Dm is working on what is needed to manifest transformations to our food, housing, land, material and nature systems towards a future of mutual thriving.

    In doing this, we analyse the shifts it requires in the underlying ‘dark matter’ - monetary, economic, governance, regulatory and policy systems - to make this possible, and we work with partners to demonstrate these alternatives in neighbourhoods, cities and bioregions. We share these insights openly for mutual learning.”

    Indy has taught and lectured at various institutions from the University of Bath, TU-Berlin; Architectural Association, University College London, Princeton, Harvard, MIT and New School.

    Find a hub for Indy’s work @ https://about.me/indy.johar

    Find Dark Matter Labs @ https://darkmatterlabs.org/

  • Tim is the founder of Voicecraft and a philosopher with a focus on the relation between participation and transformation. You can connect with Tim individually @ https://www.timadalin.xyz

  • Voicecraft conversations expand how the world is known across themes of psyche, culture and nature.

    The Voicecraft Project is comprised of a media & events platform, academy, and participatory membership network.

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